The Kaaba rebuilt once more
About 600 CE, the Quraysh tribe, which was now in the ascendant, decided to gather sufficient funds to rebuild the Kaaba. Once again, the structure had been weakened by periodic floods and, on one occasion, partially destroyed by fire when a woman spreading incense in the Kaaba had inadvertently set the place alight. The new structure was built out of wood and stone, in alternate layers.
When the time came, the positioning of the Black Stone in its accustomed place was the cause of some disagreement, since all the tribes engaged in the rebuilding sought the honor of placing the Black Stone themselves. To resolve the issue, it was agreed that the first man to enter the Haram should make the decision. The first man to enter the Haram was the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he accepted the role of arbiter. He told them to place the Black Stone in the middle of a strong cloth. A representative from each tribe should then take hold of the edge of the cloth and raise the stone. Once raised in this way by all the tribes, Muhammad himself fixed the Black Stone in position.
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