Instructions Regulating Agreements Between Hajj Missions and the Ministry
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Full compliance with the instructions regulating Hajj matters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as those issued by the Saudi competent authorities in connection with Hajj matters, in order to fulfill the aspirations of the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, in respect of upgrading the services provided to the pilgrims of Allah's Inviolable House and the visitors to the Mosque of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Compliance with the agreements concluded by Hajj missions with the National Guides Establishments and the General Cars Syndicate that are in charge of serving their pilgrims from their arrival in the Holy Land and up to their departure after performing their Hajj rituals, pursuant to the instructions regulating Hajj matters.
To continue to implement the Resolution of the States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference of the year 1987 G. pertaining to the fixing of the pilgrims' percentages of one thousand pilgrims per one million of the population of the states concerned, in view of the limited space at the Holy Sites, particularly as regards Mina. Such fixing is necessary, as it is impossible to accommodate the multitudes of the pilgrims of Allah's Inviolable House without organization. Hence, their numbers should be determined according to the quotas allotted pursuant to such Resolution.
The arrival of such pilgrims shall be arranged through the following:
- The Official Hajj Missions.
- The tourist companies and agencies.
Fixing the number of the members of Hajj missions accompanying the pilgrims, including the members of the medical and administrative missions. Such missions are dedicated to the service of all categories of the pilgrims of all states, and their members shall be exempted from payment of the fees of National Establishments for Hajj Affairs, provided they obtain an entry visa to the Kingdom that is granted to the Hajj mission members, and that their role shall be to provide services that assist their pilgrims. They shall also refrain from having accommodation facilities at Mina. Their residence shall be outside Mina in view of the great multitudes of pilgrims and the limited accommodation space at Mina.
The Hajj missions shall be provided with official labels for the aforementioned mission members so that the authority concerned with organizing the Hajj matters shall fix them on the passports of the mission members before hey arrive in the Kingdom. Such labels would exempt them from payment of service and transport fees. Any member of a mission that does not have such label will be treated as a pilgrim as regards the payment of the service fees to the National Guides Establishment, as well as the transport fees. The Hajj missions should issue formal cards with the photos of the mission members to be shown on them, together with the stamp of the authority concerned with Hajj matters and that of the Saudi Consulate. Such cards shall indicate the nature of the members' task. The Ministry of Hajj and the relevant National Tawafa Establishment shall be provided with official manifests that contain the names and official capacity of such members, well in advance of the arrival of the missions.
The arrival and departure of pilgrims shall be as follows:
1. Pilgrims arriving by air on a national air carrier flight or any airline that is licensed by the recognized international organizations. The carrier should have a general agent that is accredited by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All provisions contained in any agreements connected with air transport should be duly signed by the authorities of the two countries.
Pilgrims shall be grouped on air flights in an orderly manner so that they shall arrive successively within the absorptive capacity of the air outlets of the Kingdom. The Hajj missions shall submit a detailed flight schedule, which shall be certified by the Presidency of Civil Aviation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to the Ministry of Hajj indicating the flight numbers and specifying the date of the pilgrims' arrival or departure together with the name of the carrier company. The pilgrims' return tickets shall bear definite confirmation, as well as the date and number of the flights. The pilgrims' flights shall be scheduled according to the dates that were previously determined by the Presidency of Civil Aviation.
2. The number of pilgrims arriving and departing by air, sea and over land at each outlet shall be confirmed in light of what is agreed by the General Presidency of Civil Aviation, the Saudi Airline Establishment and the General Port Authority.
3. The deadline for the travel of pilgrims from Makkah Al-Mukarramah or Jeddah to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah "over land" and by "air" before the Hajj season shall be the end of the twenty fifth of the month of Dhu'l-Qa'dah, with the exception of travelers with return flight confirmation, whose travel deadline to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah shall be the second of Dhu'l-Hijjah. In all cases, it is stipulated that such pilgrims have an approved accommodation during the period of their stay in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah.
There should be a fully authorized committee by virtue of an official letter from the head of the Hajj mission to meet with the responsible persons of the General Cars Syndicate in Makkah Al-Mukarramah for concluding a clearly written agreement wherein shall be specified the requirements of the transportation of the Hajj mission pilgrims, between Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Jeddah and the Holy Sites, in terms of the number of buses they desire, taking into consideration the agreement pertaining to securing the transport of pilgrims arriving via Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Airport at Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah from the airport to their accommodation in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and vice versa, and that the transport fees between the Holy Sites are not refundable. Moreover, any transport agreement within Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah would be via the General Cars Syndicate. The Hajj missions shall implement all the clauses included in the concluded agreement and what relates to the deposit that should be paid to the General Cars Syndicate for the trip between the Holy Sites, as well as the expenses connected with the transport of pilgrims' excess luggage, pursuant to the arrangements and mechanism that is to be agreed with the Syndicate. Such agreement shall be submitted to the Ministry of Hajj according to usual practice.
The number of pilgrims allotted to each state shall conform to the numbers specified under article (third), in light of which shall be concluded the agreement with the General Cars Syndicate for the provision of the transport services, and on the basis of which the camp areas allotted to pilgrims at Mina and Arafat shall be determined.
The Hajj missions desiring to use private and service vehicles for executing their tasks and responsibilities within the Kingdom during the Hajj season period shall comply with the following:
1. Early Coordination with the Ministry of Hajj for determining the number, types and sources of vehicles to be used, and for specifying the tasks that are officially allotted to them.
2. Determining the number of the mission members who benefit from such vehicles, and specifying the tasks entrusted to them and the justification thereof.
3. As regards vehicles allotted to medical services and actually equipped for such purposes, such as ambulances and medicine-carrying cars, these must have a written permit from the Ministry of Health or any official authority representing it in the area of Makkah Al-Mukarramah or Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, wherein shall be indicated the number and dates of their participation in serving the pilgrims.
4. As regards trucks or passenger cars that are hired in the Kingdom, their plates shall suffice, provided the missions shall inform the Ministry of Hajj regarding the rented cars, their numbers and types, and shall comply with the applicable regulations and instructions for the use of each category of such cars.
5. Diplomatic cars allotted for the use of ambassadors and heads of Hajj missions shall be given the necessary permits by the competent authority at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
6. Labels indicating the name of the mission shall be placed on the front and back windshields of the cars that are used in the Hajj areas, whether such cars are hired or private. It is stipulated that this shall be notified to the branch of the Ministry of Hajj in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, before the first of the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah to give the branch time to inform the Traffic Department in that respect, it being understood that the hired cars should have passed the periodic test that is stipulated by Public Security.
7. Compliance with the instructions regulating the use of cars in the transport or service of pilgrims. This includes refraining from using any bus except after registering same with the Traffic Department and obtaining the necessary permit for participation in the transport of pilgrims and after the service cars that will be used at the Holy Sites shall have obtained the service permits that enable them to enter the Sites.
The pilgrims intending to perform the pilgrimage duty shall arrive either through the official Hajj mission of their respective governments and under its umbrellas, or through "tourist agencies, companies or charity societies" that are approved by their government, as indicated under article "third", and pursuant to the stipulations pertaining to the organization of individual pilgrims that are laid down by the Ministry of Hajj, which stipulations shall contain the following:
1. That the party organizing the Hajj trips shall be authorized to practice such activity by the competent authority and that the permit shall include the maximum number that the organizer can serve provided that such number is not exceeded when agreements and contracts are made.
2. The minimum number of pilgrims for each state, Tourist Company, society or campaign shall be between 45 and 50 pilgrims, and shall not exceed the number specified in the permit. Contracts that exceed the number that is authorized shall not be admitted.
3. That the organizer shall have the capacity and financial solvency to execute all the conditions, including advance payment of the required sum of the service fees and financial guarantees that are specified under the regulations items.
4. The organizer may not conclude any service contracts with a National Tawafa Establishment other than the one affiliated with the state from which he has obtained the work permit. In the event of concluding contracts that violate this stipulation, the organizer shall suffer the consequences.
5. The organizer shall apply, not later than the month of Sha'ban of every year, for a visa from the relevant embassy or consulate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for entering the Kingdom to complete the following requirements:
A. To conclude contracts for the accommodation of their pilgrims in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, to certify the contracts made with the relevant National Tawafa Establishment in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and the National Guides Establishment in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and having such contracts endorsed by the Ministry of Hajj. As to the companies, agencies and societies that make contracts for the accommodation of their pilgrims at hotels, their contracts shall be first certified by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, followed by completion of the procedures indicated above.
B. To conclude contracts for the service to be provided at the Holy Sites with the relevant National Tawafa Establishment in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and a service contract with the National Guides Establishment in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah.
C. Concluding a contract for the transport of pilgrims between the Hajj cities (Makkah Al-Mukarramah - Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah - Jeddah) and the Holy Sites, with the General Cars Syndicate.
D. Concluding a service contract with the Unified Agents Office to ensure the facilitation of pilgrims' formalities and their comfort upon their arrival and departure at the outlets of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (air - sea - land outlets).
E. Approaching the relevant National Tawafa Establishment by the companies, agencies or charity societies after completion of all the requirements pertaining to the granting of visas for the purpose of obtaining the pilgrims' labels of the computerized numbers according to the fixed quota.
6. It is necessary for the organizer of Hajj campaigns in person, or his official delegate, to conclude all the contracts pertaining to him only and not to delegate or authorize Saudi citizens or expatriates residing in the Kingdom to do such.
7. Stressing the need for the organizer not to organize pilgrimage trips for pilgrims coming from countries other than his. Should the organizer have branches in other countries, then the formalities should be concluded directly with the Saudi embassy or consulate in which they operate. Regarding the expatriates of various nationalities who desire to perform the pilgrimage duty, these should be dealt with pursuant to the instructions conveyed to the relevant embassy of the Kingdom.
As regards the categories of pilgrims that require distinct and special services, the Kingdom's Ministry of Hajj has no objection to providing distinctive services to the pilgrims in the manner that conforms to their desire. But this should not be at the expense of pilgrims in general, and provided that such services are provided to them through the National Tawafa Establishments, the National Guides Establishment, in view of the fact that these are the only parties that are in charge of serving the pilgrims coming from abroad. No party may make any direct agreement with any of the tourist agencies, the commercial companies or hotels from within or outside the Kingdom, or to take any steps for any arrangements for such categories of pilgrims outside the National Tawafa Establishments in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and National Guides Establishment in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah.
Persons affiliated to Hajj missions shall comply with the following:
1. Prevention of all propaganda activities, publications and other material that have political aims, as this would distract the pilgrims of Allah's Inviolable House from being fully absorbed in their worship and the performance of the religious rites. Such activities include the holding of seminars, meetings, marches and the like, and the distribution of leaflets, pictures, flags and books under any name and irrespective of the causes. This is in compliance with GOD's directive "Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj." (Surat Al-Baqara, verse 197).
2. Stressing, to all those who operate and are concerned with Hajj, including tourist agencies, companies and charities, the importance of alerting, cautioning and warning their pilgrims, who come to the Kingdom for performing the Hajj duty, against bringing in drugs and any prohibited materials whatsoever and of whatever name. Those with whom such drugs or prohibited matters are found shall suffer a deterring punishment and will be subject to the dictates of the regulations that are applicable in the Kingdom. These shall be treated without any leniency or tolerance.
3. Two headquarters shall suffice for a mission: one for the administrative mission; the other for the medical mission. The official flag of the relevant state may be hoisted only at these two missions. A mission may not have any other headquarter.
4. A Hajj mission shall confine its services to its own pilgrims, to the exclusion of other pilgrims.
5. Refraining from arranging the performance of the Hajj rituals for pilgrims of other nationalities or for expatriates of the same nationality, who are residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
6. Compliance with the grouping instructions that do not permit those who desire to visit Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah before the Hajj to return thereto again.
7. Only the National Tawafa and Guides Establishments, to the exclusion of others, shall, in coordination with the Hajj missions, place guiding posters that enable pilgrims to identify their respective places of accommodation, in appropriate and adequate numbers.
8. A Hajj mission, or whoever acts on its behalf, shall, in case it desires to contact the ministries and official authorities in the Kingdom, coordinate in advance with the Ministry of Hajj, which is the authority that is responsible for the Hajj missions and pilgrims' services, and for providing them with facilities.
9. It has been observed that the governments of some Islamic countries desire to set up residential compounds in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah on the basis of long - term leases. Now as the instructions and regulations that are applied in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia do not allow foreigners to own property in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, nor to lease same except for a limited period that does not exceed one year, that is renewable for a similar period, therefore, the Ministry of Hajj urges the Hajj missions to comply with these instructions.
10. To urge their pilgrims to wear the metallic bracelet that is worn round the wrist of pilgrims, or any substitute thereof, wherein, in addition to the name of pilgrims, the necessary health particulars shall be recorded, in view of the utmost importance of such procedure.
To stress that pilgrims' accommodation represents the basic component of the services which a Hajj mission shall provide with full compliance with the residence rules and regulations that are included in the instructions that regulate Hajj matters and that are approved by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in order to make pilgrims comfortable at their accommodation in both Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and for the purpose of full coordination with the National Tawafa Establishments in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and the National Guides Establishment in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah; to lease the necessary residences for the whole number of pilgrims indicated under article (third), which provides for the allocation of three and a half square meters for each pilgrim at residences leased in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and four square meters for each pilgrim at the leased residences in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah; not to accommodate pilgrims at the buildings' mezzanines at all; and that the number of pilgrims at the residences shall not exceed the authorized number and that the leased residences shall be licensed to house pilgrims; that the representatives of the mission shall be present at the locations of the pilgrims' residences during the process of their accommodation. Moreover, the Ministry of Hajj stresses that the leasing of residences shall be with the prior participation of the National Tawafa and Guides Establishments, and that all residences shall be provided with beds for the whole number of pilgrims at each building and residence. It is also essential to comply with the requirement of refraining from leasing residences for pilgrims in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah after the sixth day of the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah, and that all Hajj missions, tourist companies and agencies shall secure residences for all their respective pilgrims in Makkah Al-Mukarramah after the sixth of Dhu'l-Hijjah of each year.
A Hajj mission shall, not later than the end of the month of Shawwal, complete the concluding of contracts pertaining to the residences allotted to its pilgrims in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah (pursuant to the standard contract forms). It shall submit such contracts to the relevant National Tawafa Establishment for endorsing and sending them to the competent authority at the Ministry of Hajj for attestation. In the event a mission wishes to accommodate its pilgrims at hotel buildings, it must provide the relevant National Tawafa Establishment with a copy of the hotel contracts that are certified by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, it being understood that granting visas to the mission pilgrims will be conditional on their compliance with the provision of such contracts. Moreover, the final number of the pilgrims that will be communicated to the representation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for issuing visas to them shall be finally fixed on the basis of the certified residence contracts that are submitted by the mission within the aforementioned period.
Regarding accommodation at the Holy Sites, some pilgrims will be accommodated in the camps of the third stage of the newly developed tents, which are situated within the borders of Muzdalifah Site, in view of the narrow space at Mina, which cannot accommodate all the pilgrims. Public transport for this category of pilgrims between their camps and the Jamarat area will be provided.
In view of the utmost importance of the program pertaining to the grouping of pilgrims for casting the Jamarat and in order to secure the safety of pilgrims during the performance of the rite of casting of Jamarat and spare them the hustling and pushing, which may, God forbid, cause trampling or death, the Ministry of Hajj stresses the importance of the role of the mission in preparing an intensive edification program for all categories of its pilgrims that urges them to comply with the schedule fixed by the Ministry for each category when heading to the casting of the Jamarat, unaccompanied by children and without carrying their belongings, as this constitutes a serious threat to the pilgrims themselves and to others. The Ministry also stresses the need for the mission to appoint a representative, who shall be responsible full time to the Ministry of Hajj and the relevant National Tawafa Establishment for the program of grouping of its pilgrims on their way to the Bridge of Jamarat. It is necessary to appoint an appropriate number of assistants for helping him in the execution of the tasks that are required for its pilgrims in that respect. The mission shall also inform the Ministry of Hajj of the name of the member entrusted with this task and how to contact him for coordination purposes. The mission shall also inform its pilgrims regarding the shari'ah permissions regarding residence outside the borders of Mina.
In view of the importance of the prophylactic vaccinations for the health of the guests of Allah's Inviolable House who come to perform the Hajj rituals, and as this is a basic requirement for the granting of Hajj visas, the following must be observed:
1. The "ACYW 135" vaccine is a basic requirement for the granting of the Hajj visas. Countries that do not comply with this requirement shall bear full responsibility for the consequences.
2. Every pilgrim arriving from any country shall submit a vaccination certificate against meningitis, which certificate shall evidence his vaccination against that disease at least 10 (ten) days prior to his arrival and shall not exceed three years. The health authority in the country from which pilgrims come shall make sure that adults and children who are two years old or above have had a doze of the "ACYW 135" vaccine. It is also necessary to ascertain that all arrivals have been vaccinated in their own countries and that this should be attested in their vaccination certificates.
3. The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia advises the countries that send pilgrims to provide them with flu vaccine and to instruct its pilgrims to take such vaccine before their arrival for performing the Hajj rituals, particularly those who are more susceptible to the complications of such disease, such as the elderly and those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, diabetics and kidney and liver failure.
4. Foodstuffs brought in by those who arrive in the kingdom, with their luggage, including pilgrims, are prohibited. Allowed are only well canned and hermetically sealed foodstuffs, or those packed in containers that can be easily opened for inspection and which satisfy the need of pilgrims traveling overland up to their arrival.
5. All pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom shall be subject to the international rules connected with epidemics, including the quarantine of those who are suspected of being sick and the monitoring of those persons that are associated with them.
A Hajj mission, or its authorized substitute, shall cooperate with the Ministry of Hajj and the National Tawafa and Guides Establishments, as well as the competent authorities in the Kingdom, in monitoring the naturally deceased pilgrims, as follows:
1. Each Hajj mission or consulate shall designate a fax number for directly communicating therewith through government hospitals in order to obtain approval for burial of the deceased during the Hajj.
2. It is essential that there should be present a representative of each consulate and representatives of the Hajj missions, who are authorized by their respective countries to approach hospitals and government clinics in the Kingdom for processing the cases of death pertaining to their pilgrims and to receive those who were admitted to hospitals, after they are cured, for processing their departure. A sufficient number of Hajj mission members must stay behind after the performance of the Hajj rituals for performing such tasks and they must not travel till after ascertaining that all the mission pilgrims have departed.
Regarding the opening of hospitals and the health centers that belong to the missions, the mission shall approach the Saudi Ministry of Health for obtaining its permission and for becoming acquainted with the instructions regulating such matters. This should be confined to Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, and such services shall be for the treatment of the mission pilgrims to the exclusion of others. In the event the medical missions breach the instructions notified to them, the Ministry of Health shall take the appropriate measures against the breaching mission.
For maintaining pilgrims, who are the guests of Allah's Inviolable House, safe and in good health, the Hajj mission shall comply with the following procedures in connection with the subsistence of its pilgrims:
A. They shall not conclude any subsistence or foodstuff purchase contracts except with Saudi establishments and companies that are licensed and that satisfy the health conditions. This is to be done in coordination with the municipalities of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and Jeddah. The mission shall provide the relevant National Tawafa Establishment with a copy of the contracts concluded in this respect, well in advance of the arrival of the pilgrims.
B. The persons who prepare, cook and serve the meals shall be examined and the missions shall obtain the necessary health certificates pertaining to them from the relevant municipality.
C. In the event a mission prepares the meals for its pilgrims, it shall obtain a health certificate for each worker employed at its restaurants and kitchens or those that cooperate with it, from the municipality of Makkah Al-Mukarramah or Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah. The certificate shall indicate that they do not carry any germs or contagious diseases. This shall be effected under the supervision of the mission and at its own responsibility. In the event of breaching such instructions, the mission shall bear full responsibility for the consequences of performing such duties in a non-hygienic manner.
In the event a mission is assisted by labor from within the Kingdom, this should be done through the relevant National Tawafa Establishment in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and the National Guides Establishment in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah. It is necessary to prepare cards for the workers employed by the mission, which cards shall bear the full name, passport number and legal permit of the workers and shall be certified by the relevant establishment. The branch of the Ministry in Makkah Al-Mukarramah or Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah shall be provided with a copy of the lists of such workers.
Twenty First:
The Ministry of Hajj urges all Hajj missions to make arrangements with the Islamic Development Bank for meeting all their needs that are connected with the ritual of the sacrificed cattle through the project sponsored by the Kingdom for benefiting from the meat of the sacrificed cattle, in the performance of the slaughtering ritual by pilgrims and to enlighten pilgrims in respect of the concept of expanding the scope of delegation for optimizing the benefits derived from the slaughterhouses throughout the days of slaughtering of sacrificial cattle and sheep, as of the morning of the Eid, and up to the end of the days of tashreeq. All this shall be within the framework of the instructions laid down by the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for regulating the process of slaughtering at the places designated for that purpose.
Twenty Second:
A Hajj mission shall implement all items of the contract concluded with the Unified Agents Office, and what is related to the services of the National Establishments for Hajj Affairs and the transport fees that the pilgrims affiliated to them should pay, as per the instructions regulating Hajj matters.
Twenty Third:
The Ministry of Hajj urges Hajj missions to see to it that all detailed agreements pertaining to the services to be provided to its pilgrims that are concluded with the relevant National Tawafa Establishment in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, the National Guides Establishment in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, the Unified Agents Office, the General Cars Syndicate and the Islamic Development Bank, shall be consistent with the aforementioned instructions.
Twenty Fourth:
The Ministry of Hajj has noted the staying behind of a great number of Umrah performers, who come with the intention to perform the Hajj rituals, and observed that this will harm public interest and will negatively affect the services that are provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the service establishments that are concerned with serving the pilgrims coming from abroad. This highlights the importance of coordination and cooperation with the officials of the Ministry of Hajj for dealing with the situation, pursuant to the following rules that are laid down by he Ministry of Hajj for organizing the movement of pilgrims and Umrah performers who come for performing the Hajj rituals and Umrah:
1. Taking the necessary measures that would secure the return of Umrah performers to their respective countries according to their designated dates after their performance of their acts of devotion and seeing to it that they do not tarry behind in the kingdom, nor lie down in the open spaces of the two Holy Mosques. Thus they should make their travel arrangements to the Kingdom with the agencies that are approved by the official authorities within the framework of genuine Umrah programs with prepaid full services.
2. Launching an intensive edification campaign through all the audio and visual media, pulpits and mosque sermons that highlight the importance of compliance with the regulations and instructions, and not to tarry behind in the kingdom for any purpose whatsoever, and explaining the negative effects of tarrying behind on the country, citizens, pilgrims and expatriates.
3. Taking the necessary steps to inform the tourist companies and agencies, that have agreements with the Saudi companies and Umrah establishments for the organization of Umrah trips, not to play any role or provide any services within the Kingdom to expatriate Umrah performers, which services the Saudi Umrah companies and establishments are supposed to perform. Such companies and establishments shall make the proper selection of Umrah performers who will come through them and shall see to it that they return home after the end of their programs. In this manner, the percentage who stay behind from amongst them shall not reach 10% of the total Umrah performers, as this would justify stopping them and preventing them from dealing with the Saudi market.
4. The return of Umrah performers at the designated dates shall be automatically monitored by the Saudi Government, and once it is discovered that more than 10% of any nationality have tarried behind, then the computerized system will be closed so that it will not issue any Umrah visa to people of this nationality until their departure has been ascertained.
5. Stressing the importance of the arrival of Umrah performers according to the absorptive capacity of the various means of transport, the productive capacity of the Saudi Consulate and distributing them over the months of the Umrah period. Encouragement programs shall be created together with special privileges for realizing the arrival of Umrah performers in a balanced manner during such months, so that they would not pile up in certain seasons, such as the Holy Month of Ramadan.
6. The Umrah visas will be issued in partial lots for each company or establishment with specific ceilings, such that the ceiling of the first lot shall not be exceeded nor the visas of the second lot will be issued unless it is established that the Umrah performers of such lot have been well served and that they have departed to their respective countries on the dates designated for them. All this will be monitored electronically.
- Responsibilities of the Ministry of Hajj
- Preparations Preceding the Hajj Season
- Instructions Regulating Group Dispatching of Pilgrims
- Umrah System of Regulation
- Instructions Regulating Pilgrimage Affairs
- Ministry of Hajj Aims and Aspirations
- Contact Information
- Project of the Ministry of Pilgrimage Site on the Internet
- Rules and Regulations Governing the Carriage of Pilgrims by Air
Main reference point: