Complaints Procedures and Contact Details
First of all, We are sorry that you have cause for complaint. Your concerns will be taken seriously.
Please note that, from a legal viewpoint, your contract is with your local travel agent and you must seek remedy from the travel agent according to the laws of your country.
As for the complaints procedure provided by the Ministry of Hajj, here are the details:
There is a list of telephone numbers for complaints. Go to the "Useful Contacts" panel on the homepage of our website and then click on "Complaints Procedures" or go to this address:
- or go to this address:
You might also wish to inform your Saudi Embassy of your complaint.
Alternatively, you can contact the Ministry of Hajj direct.
Complaints Department
Ministry of Hajj
Al Maazar Street
Complaints Department
Ministry of Hajj
Hail Street
(near U.S Consulate)
Anyone having a complaint should make his/her case clear in a complaint letter and send it to one of the addresses provided. He/she should also provide a contact address (preferably an airmail address) through which he/she can be reached when a resolution to the complaint is reached. If the complaint is upheld, the travel agent can be suspended or struck off the list of approved travel agents. In these circumstances, the agent will no longer be able to organise pilgrimages.
The following are the contact details for authorities which deal with complaints from pilgrims and Umrah performers:
The Authority | City | Telephone No. |
Emirate headquarters of Makkah Province | Makkah Al-Mukarramah | 5749582 |
Jeddah | 6648888 6530000 |
Emirate headquarter of Madinah | Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah | |
Office of the Pilgrimage Minister | Jeddah | 6655043 6655077 6650855 |
Complaints Committee in Jeddah Airport | Jeddah | 6858212 6858271 |
Branch of Pilgrimage Ministry in Jeddah | Jeddah | 6470055 6474755 |
Branch of Pilgrimage Ministry in Makkah | Makkah Al-Mukarramah | 5571714 |
Branch of Pilgrimage Ministry in Madinah | Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah | 8263131 |
Ministry Under-Secretariat in Makkah | Makkah Al-Mukarramah | 5571714 |
Complaints Committee in Makkah | Makkah Al-Mukarramah | 5571714 |
Complaints Committee in Arafat | Arafat | 5562226 |
Complaints Committee in Mina | Mina | 5566305 |
Ministry Branch in Arafat | Arafat | 5562271 |
Ministry Branch in Mina | Mina | 5570293 |
Complaints Committee in Madinah | Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah |